Our research-based evaluation process uses an annual workflow process that is designed to meet your school’s goals through a combination of evidence-based strategies, relationship building, data-informed decision making, and professional growth. The inside-out approach, focusing on bright spots to embrace and expand existing strengths, follows these five steps as depicted in the diagram below:
STEP 1: SELF-ASSESSMENT—combination of evidence-backed rubrics and your own goal-setting metrics. This work becomes the basis for collaborative dialogue to craft goals for the upcoming academic year.
STEP 2: PRE-EVALUATION CONFERENCE—agree on the conditions of the evaluation necessary to demonstrate proficiency, potential consequences of poor performance, and potential benefits of accomplished or distinguished performance.
STEP 3: CONSOLIATED PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—McREL will help collect, analyze, and synthesize the information gathered in step 2 to prepare a comprehensive picture of performance throughout the year.
STEP 4: EVALUATOR SUMMARY RATINGS—McREL will help you rate your team’s performance using rubrics on each element and framework component following the rubric’s scoring method.
STEP 5: FINAL EVALUATION AND GOAL-SETTING MEETING—McREL collaborates with your team and your school board to discuss progress toward achieving your goals and the level of performance on standards as documented in steps 1 and 4.