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Using digital learning experiences to increase academic success
Increase attendance, motivation, and academic achievement!

What is it?

A partnership funded by Department of Education Investing in Innovation (i3)-funded partnership to develop innovative educational technologies. The South Central BOCES, the University of Southern California, McREL, and Filament Games have teamed up to:

  • Design digital learning experiences for middle and high school students
  • Support schools in the implementation of the experiences
  • Evaluate the impact of participation on academic motivation and success

How does it Work?

Your school can benefit!

Long-term, life-long benefits for students

  • An engaging digital experience
  • Increased engagement with school; based on previous research, we have seen:
    • Higher attendance rates
    • Increased academic achievement
    • Increased seeing school success as important

A leading-edge learning tool for your classroom

  • Potential for significant impact on long-term student learning at scale
  • Chance to tailor the digital experience (after trying it out)
  • Stipends for each school totaling $1,000

Readiness for success tool for districts

  • Scalable, cost-efficient leading-edge tool
  • Demonstrated use of evidence-based learning and technologies, including focus on 21st Century skills and readiness for success in postsecondary and the workforce,
  • SC BOCES assistance to implement logistics and data reporting

Eligibility for participating schools

  • Colorado middle and high schools serving grades 7 to 10 with 40% or more students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch programs that are located in rural and non-urban areas. Participation requires:
    • Implementing a digital learning experience for a total of three hours of student time in 15 minute segments across 6 weeks (we provide everything)
    • Four brief student surveys over two school years

What, When, & Where

  • What: Students will engage with an educational learning game. Engagement includes baseline and post-test.
  • When, the Game: Fall 2017, 15-20 minutes twice per week September-October (a total of 11 times).
  • When, the Baseline and Follow-up: In Fall 2017, Spring 2018 and 2019, students and teachers will complete brief online surveys.
  • Where: In class.

For more information, contact us today!

Tedra Clark
Research Director, McREL
[email protected]
Office: (303) 632-5567

Nathan Roskop
i3 Site Coordinator, SC BOCES
[email protected]
Office: (719) 647-0023 x127

If you are interested in participating in this study,
please complete this form.

We will contact you with more information.

To ask about the underlying research:

Daphna Oyserman, Ph.D.
Dean’s Professor, USC
[email protected]
Office: (213) 821-1577

Veronica Yan, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, USC
[email protected] 
Office: (213) 821-1577

The Pathways Project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, Investing in Innovation (i3) award U411C150011. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Education.