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Research Papers and Reports

McREL studies education research to find evidence-based best practices for effective teaching, learning, leading, systemic change, and school improvement. We share insights from our analyses in the free publications you’ll find on this page.

  • Our white papers present a combination of research-based insights, thought leadership, and suggestions for how to adapt and apply these new ideas to classrooms, schools, districts, and other education systems.
  • Our briefs are short explorations of a specific topic, presenting a quick summary of research along with a few ideas educators can use right away in their schools.
  • Our research and evaluation reports describe studies we’ve done for schools, districts, and education companies, shared here with our clients’ permission so that other educators can deepen their understanding of how the initiative or product impacts teaching and learning.

To explore these ideas more deeply and build your team’s professional capacities, contact us for a conversation about professional learning or consulting with the publication’s authors.

Efficacy Study: Literacy Footprints Guided Reading System

McREL investigated the effects of Pioneer Valley Book’s Literacy Footprints guided reading system on third-grade students’ English language arts performance on the Florida Statewide Assessment. Our study found a small but statistically significant positive effect on the average ELA test scores for students who used Literacy Footprints. Read the report for a full description of the study methodology and results.

The “Silent Epidemic” Finds Its Voice: Demystifying How Students View Engagement in Their Learning

McREL researchers collaborated with members of student voice organizations in Oregon and Kentucky to delve into what shapes students’ cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social engagement in school, including students’ experiences during pandemic-caused online learning. The report provides recommendations and a framework for schoolwide and classroom practices that support student engagement.

Efficacy Study: Education Galaxy’s Online Assessment, Practice, and Instruction Programs

McREL conducted an evaluation of Education Galaxy’s Online Assessment, Practice, and Instruction programs on 4th grade math and reading, using a study design that meets ESSA’s Tier 2 Moderate Evidence standard. Our study found grade-level gains in math (0.58) and reading (0.30), for students using the programs.