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Research Matters: Elegant simplicity in brain science

By May 4, 2020April 14th, 2022No Comments

The May 2020 issue of ASCD’s Educational Leadership is all about learning and the brain, a topic that’s near and dear to McREL. Our Bryan Goodwin and Darienne Dey contributed a Research Matters column that encourages educators to consider knowledge about how learning happens as they design lessons—knowledge that, they say, has been “hidden in plain view” for decades.

Starting with the widely accepted “information processing” model of learning, McREL has developed a six-phase model that follows the journey that new information must take in our brains to become embedded in our long-term memory. By identifying the points where memory and knowledge changes en route, the model offers opportunities for teachers to influence the course of events, creating deeper, more durable learning. The phases are:

    • 1. Become interested


    • 2. Commit to learning


    • 3. Focus on new learning


    • 4. Make sense of learning


    • 5. Practice and reflect


    6. Extend and apply

Read the Educational Leadership article and for a fuller treatment of the McREL learning model, see Learning That Sticks, due out from ASCD on June 5.

McREL is a non-profit, non-partisan education research and development organization that since 1966 has turned knowledge about what works in education into practical, effective guidance and training for teachers and education leaders across the U.S. and around the world.